
Catch Up

I have been putting this off for too long. I am SO behind! So, we'll play a little catch up so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
B E A R  L A K E
A couple weekends ago, my siblings and I were able to spend the weekend with our beautiful mom in Bear Lake! It was so much fun, and quite the adventure! The weather was looking a little iffy when we first got there, so we spent the first afternoon and evening hangin out in our itty bitty cabin playing all sorts of games and chowin down on treats. Can't get much better than that right? We even got our party pooper brother to play some games with us!
The next day, we went to the lake! It was a little too chilly to get in the water, so we just played on the beach, but it was still so much fun!
We watched the sun set on the lake, played more games, and then headed home the next morning. It was such a great little trip, and so fun to spend time with our momma!

I N D E P E N D E N C E   D A Y 
I LOVE THE 4TH. I can't even express in words how much I love the 4th! And this years was probably one of the funnest I've had in such a long time! Which says a lot.(side note, why the heck is funnest not a word?) 
We spent it with my dad and had a blast. We woke up bright and early for the parade in our little town, then headed over to the next place for a second parade. Both my brothers were in them for the high school student government! We then spent the day hopping from celebration to celebration, sweating our brains out. Seriously, SO. HOT.
After all the celebrating in the parks, we headed over to my grandparents magical house and had boat races in the creek!

Mine lost every time. No big deal.
We went back home for a while, swam in our little kiddy pool (you're never too old for those) and then headed to the fireworks!
I wish I could explain just how great the 4th was, but there is just no possible way!
After the 4th we went campin in the little campsite my grandparents have on their property behind their house! We had such a great time full of lots and lots of laughs.

^^ that little smirk on my brother's face is because he put sugar on two pancakes and salt on the other, and my dad had NO idea... yet... ;)
P I O N E E R   D A Y   B E G I N N I N G   C E L E B R A T I O N S
I started the weekend off with these three little hooligans for a few days!
Yes, that's chicken noodle soup for breakfast.
Then last night, my sister and I headed up to WSU to hear the fireside that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf was speaking at and finished the night off with the firework celebration after!
President Uchtdorf's message was so touching. He spoke of the pioneer's and their trials and strength. One of my favorite things he said was that the best way to honor our pioneer heritage is to have compassion, to work, and to be optimistic. They were there for each other every step of the way with love and concern for one another. They woke up every morning with a clear and defined purpose to serve God, for each days progress mattered, and when they had every reason to shout that all was not well, the sang that all was well. They knew God had a plan for them, and despite all the tribulation, they still came.
I'm so grateful for the pioneers and for the spirit they brought to this beautiful state!
M I S S I O N   U P D A T E

I met with my stake president yesterday... now all that's left is waiting for my call to arrive in the mail! AHH!!! :)
Phew! I think I'm finally done catching up.. for now! ;) Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

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